Saturday, January 9, 2021

Happy New Year!

 Happy New Year!

This was always my favorite time of the school year -  the beginning of that great period  when we have flow, and students are in a routine. Over the holidays I usually found time to map out the remainder of the semester, get caught up on grading, and generally rejuvenate. I hope that was true for you this year.

In the last post I sent before the holidays, I mentioned The Teaching Channel as a great resource for ideas and activities to energize you and your classroom. Here is one more opportunity to investigate it through videos and other resources. Enjoy!

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Goodbye 2020!

It's been said many times this year but there truly has never been a more difficult year to be an educator. All of us at Teaching Channel have been inspired by all the teachers, admin, principals, coaches, district leadership, and all others in schools who have risen to the unprecedented challenges facing them. Thank you so much for all you do!


We've decided to make our five most popular videos of 2020 free until January 4th. If you're looking to do some Winter Break PD, you can find those videos plus our five most popular blogs from this year below. 


We have a lot of exciting things planned for 2021 that we can't wait to share with you. Until then, have a safe holiday season!


Best Wishes,


Teaching Channel Team

Most Popular Videos of 2020

New Teacher Survival Guide: Classroom Management

Watch a new teacher use 7 classroom management tips to change her classroom.

Creating a Comfortable Classroom Environment

See how to reinforce positive expectations with specific, intentional strategies.

Claims, Evidence, & Reasoning: Lesson

Observe one teacher using the KLEWS strategy to help students develop scientific explanations.

Ready to Learn: Creating a Positive Classroom Culture

Get ideas for how to build a safe and inclusive classroom community.

Setting Expectations on the First Day of School

Watch how students help make classroom rules on the first day of school

Most Read Blogs of 2020

1. Five Ways to Start Your Lessons by Gretchen Vierstra

"By now, you probably have your routines in place for how you start your day or class period. But sometimes it's good to mix it up. Or maybe you're looking for an exciting entrance to a specific lesson plan. Just like writers, teachers often need a hook!"


2. Six Ways to Support Your Students During Isolation by Alyssa Abel

"A month ago, you might have been thinking about prepping your classroom for testing season. Now, with the unprecedented pandemic situation and the precautions schools are taking to protect their students, tests are likely the last thing on your mind."


3. Top Five Vocabulary Strategies for English Language Learners by Erica Hilliker

"50,000 words by high school graduation. That’s the challenge English Language Learners (ELLs) face if they want to catch up to their native English-speaking classmates. That’s almost 4,000 new words a year if a student begins school as a kindergartner!"


4. How to Do the Feedback Loop in Distance Learning by Jennifer Pieratt

"Every teacher knows the power of an “over the shoulder glance” when it comes to checking for understanding. But how do we do this in a virtual classroom?"


5. 5 Key Strategies for Ell Instruction by Rebecca Greene

"We're glad we can show through this video series ways that these 7th grade ELA teachers prepare their learners by activating prior knowledge, scaffolding meaning making with complex texts, and developing ELLs' discipline and academic language practices in ELA classrooms."

Teaching Channel
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2805 Dodd Rd, Suite 200
Eagan, MN 55121

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